Mobile Phone Insurance

Thursday, July 13, 2006

My mistake ..

This totally proves the value of your mobile phone insurance - and why you should keep it ...

Here's the story ...

Last Friday was a fantastic HOT day here. It was a real shorts-and-T-shirts day. It was for me.

After a hard week working we treated ourselves to 1 or 2 drinks at the office in the afternoon, unwinding and talking things through.

I then went home (and no, I did not drive). Being a hot day, the kids wanted to go in the paddling pool (about knee-deep) in the garden.

In the excitement of playing with the kids, and maybe with a slightly less-than-clear head, I guess I wasn't quite thinking straight ...

Picture this ...

There I am, on all fours in the paddling pool, with our 6 year old, Katie sitting on my back. She is laughing away, squealing with delight ...

I start doing press-ups to plunge her into the cool water, with me then lying on the bottom of the pool under water, then coming back up ...

After about 3 of these water-press-up plunges, a slow, cringing "Oh my goodness ..." feeling comes over me ...

I ask Katie to jump off, I stand up, put my hand to my right pocket ... where my phone normally is ...

And pull out a VERY wet mobile phone!

It is totally dead. My phone is an ex-phone.

Normally I always know EXACTLY where my phone is and I'm very careful. Normally, I would be kicking myself, but to be honest, although my phone was ruined, I was surprisingly calm (even I was surprised how calm I was!).

Why? Because I knew that all of the address book was backed up and stored, and the phone was insured ... with none other than the 2U Mobile Phone Insurance Executive Policy cover.

So, Monday morning I called the 2U Insurance team to make a claim.

The claims form was faxed straight to me. I filled it in and faxed it back. I sent the damaged phone off by courier (the quicker it gets to them, the quicker it is processed, the quicker I get my phone back).

This morning, Wednesday, I get a brand new and shiny Nokia N70 delivered to me. I am now all smiles at getting my phone back.

What would this have cost if I was not insured ?

Well, I did an upgrade about 5 months ago, so not a chance of getting one free on upgrade.

From a quick search on Google, the Nokia N70 now costs about £330 to £350.

5 months of insurance premium at £7.99 a month totals
£39.95 ...

So about ONE TENTH of the cost of replacing it myself!

In summary, I am VERY glad I insured my phone - it saved me about £300 !

Have you got YOUR phone insured and protected?

If not, to learn more and to order go to